Bakugan is an inventive strategy game based on the popular anime TV series, "Bakugan: Battle Brawlers." The game combines skill (aiming your Bakugan) with strategy (placement of the cards). Even without the playing the strategy game, Bakugan toys are enjoyable and can be played with like regular action figures. Each of the seven Bakugan that compose Dragonoid can be used individually in the strategy game. Avid players will be happy to know that this set also includes a special ability card, which will come in handy when you're devising a strategy to topple your enemy.
The main theme of the Bakugan strategy game is to get a hold of your enemies metal gate cards. This is accomplished by rolling your Bakugan warriors on the cards and doing battle with enemy Bakugan. Don’t plan on relying on luck to win this game-it’s about strategy! This game comes with tactical cards and trap pieces to help protect your Bakugan fighters.
So what makes the Bakugan action figures popular? Could it be that they are magnetic? Yep! That’s the real deal. Young boys and little princesses love to creep up to older brothers, dads, friends, etc and expose ‘em near a “secretly” hidden metal and watch the marble burst open! The marbles are actually supposed to open up when placed near metallic cards when playing the game. This card — causes the action figures to burst open to reveal a fearsome warrior. What kids follow all the rules and use them just for the game? Not many!
Young kids will challenge their thinking abilities this strategy game. It includes numerous tactical cards and trap pieces to protect your Maxus Dragonoid warrior from unsuspecting fighters. The unlimited imagination of your kids will provide them with hours of interactive fun.
Most boys stay busy for oodles of hours sparring with the Bakugan 7 in 1 Maxus Dragonoid. There are seven different Bakugan action warrior figures that make up the Maxus Dragonoid: Spitarm, Dark Hound, Brachium, Spyder Fencer, Neo Dragonoid, and Grakas Hound. It can battle as one devastating united force.
Ever got stuck buying Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve and taking home what is available? That may end up back firing on you. Just another unwanted Christmas gift is what I am thinging. Hot selling gifts like the Bakugan 7 in 1 Maxus Dragonoid sell out well before Thanksgiving and are added in limited numbers when and if available. Your order will be put on the back order cue. I often wonder how well meaning parents explain this to their kids on Christmas day. I will save you the lecture by advising you to order yours today!
Amazing blog post. I always like to play with this attacking figure Bakugan that I collected from at PIJ. Now I also wanna to collect Bakugan DVD games for mine. I am very glad to find this review here. Thanks for your nice image post.